About Us
Our careers started in the 1990s at sustainability startups,
in government, a climate technology fund, and
a global certification company.
ClimateCHECK was launched in 2007 to advance the state of the art for MRV and we have since delivered services and solutions to over 400 organizations in over 50 countries.
We have launched innovative solutions for climate change, cleantech and sustainability every 18-24 months throughout the 2000s, 2010s and are continuing into the 2020s.
Our Track Record
ClimateCHECK Launch
Tom Baumann and Patrick Hardy launch Canadian-based ClimateCHECK as a premier services provider and innovator for climate change, cleantech and sustainability.

Featured in ISO
ClimateCHECK featured in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) publication on climate change and linking greenhouse gas markets around the world.
Lead GHG Expert for SCC
ClimateCHECK commissioned as lead GHG verifier and GHG technical expert for the Standards Council of Canada to evaluate GHG verification and validation bodies against ISO 14065 standard for SCC’s GHG accreditation program
TD Bank Carbon Neutral
ClimateCHECK commissioned by TD Bank to help it become the first carbon neutral bank in North America.
Co-author ISO and ITU Reports
ClimateCHECK commissioned to co-author ISO publication about GHG schemes addressing climate change – how ISO standards help and ITU publication about an assessment framework for environmental impact of ICT.
Launch GHGMI
ClimateCHECK co-launches the US-based GHG Management Institute as the global society of GHG MRV experts, while leading training for verification, project accounting, information systems. GHGMI expands to over 7500 members in over 160 countries.
Chair of IEEE Committee
ClimateCHECK CEO becomes chair of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) PES Climate Change Technology committee (2009-2014) focusing on MRV methodologies for clean energy, and collaborating with the United Engineering Foundation Founders Society Carbon Management Team.
Launch Collaborase
ClimateCHECK launches the Collaborase online software platform to advance Standards 2.0 towards the evolution of a smart standards system. Collaborase is used by many of the leading sustainability standards programs such as the Climate Standards Disclosure Board, Gold Standard, Verra, Capitals Coalition, ICROA, UN Global Compact, and WBCSD.
Chair ISO Committee
Following over 10 years’ involvement with ISO, ClimateCHECK CEO becomes International Chair of the ISO Climate Change Standards committee (2014-2019).
Featured in ISO
ClimateCHECK featured in ISO publication on ISO climate solutions for post-Kyoto Era.
ACT Technical Partner
ClimateCHECK commissioned by the Government of France, in partnership with CDP, for a multi-year project as the technical partner for the Assessing low-Carbon Transition (ACT) Initiative to provide quality assurance on standards development.
Lead Global Solution Networks Hub
ClimateCHECK commissioned by Don Tapscott to lead the Global Solution Networks hub on Climate and Planetary Stewardship.
Quality Assurance for ICROA
ClimateCHECK commissioned by the International Carbon Reduction & Offset Alliance (ICROA) to annually audit ICROA members to assure their activities adhere to ICROA’s Code of Best Practice.
Launch Xpansiv
ClimateCHECK co-launches US-based Xpansiv as an innovative digital platform to differentiate commodities based on climate and sustainability performance.
Featured in ISO
ClimateCHECK featured in ISO publication on leading global collaboration on climate change standards.
Blockchain Research Institute Faculty
ClimateCHECK commissioned by Don Tapscott’s Blockchain Research Institute to lead research into the opportunities of blockchain to support climate action.
Launch Climate Chain Coalition
ClimateCHECK leads the effort to launch the Climate Chain Coalition, as a global network co-chaired with the UNFCCC and bridging the climate community and digital community in INATBA, Hyperledger, InterWork Alliance, and ITU SG5 Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for AI and other Emerging Technologies. The CCC is an official accredited observer organization to the UNFCCC.

MRV Innovations
ClimateCHECK commissioned by the Government of Canada for a multi-year project on MRV Innovations for Reciclo Organicos.
Co-Author World Bank Report
ClimateCHECK commissioned by World Bank to co-author seminal report for blockchain and emerging digital solutions for post-2020 climate markets.
Launch Adaptation Ledger
ClimateCHECK co-launches UK-based Adaptation Ledger for advancing climate adaptation solutions and mobilizing finance through the integration of emerging technologies, smart standards and a unified metric for vulnerability reduction.
200th Cleantech Assessment
ClimateCHECK completes its 200th due diligence assessment on cleantech companies funded by the Government of Canada and Sustainable Development Technology Canada.
Co-Author ITU Report
ClimateCHECK co-authors ITU publication on the Outlook on Distributed Ledger Technologies.
Launch ScribeHub
ClimateCHECK launches ScribeHub to support development and implementation of nextgen governance innovations, including DigitalMRV and Smart Standards System.
Smart Standards System
Originating with a prescient 2015 COP21 event, ClimateCHECK collaborates with Canada’s National Research Council and York University’s Blockchain Lab reviewing our Smart Standards System concept to enable nextgen governance innovations.

Launch DigitalMRV
ClimateCHECK and IOTA establish a strategic partnership to jointly launch DigitalMRV to digitalize measurement, reporting and verification for climate actions and sustainability.
Launch Open Collaboration
ClimateCHECK, Gold Standard and IOTA launch an open collaboration and paper for next generation digital solutions for measurement, reporting and verification.